History paper by Ludányi, Andrew
Ohio Northern University

American and Hungarian Perspectives on the Fate of Hungarian Minorities

Type of Abstract (select):

Abstract (max. 250 words):
Often there is a complete disconnect between American (U.S.) and Hungarian perspectives on the fate of Hungarian minority communities throughout East-Central Europe. What is the reason, or what are the reasons, for this disconnect? At least three will be discussed in this brief analysis. The first is the different historical perspective on how minorities become minorities. The second is the philosophical difference between the concept of group rights and individual rights, while the third relates to the difference between state-nation and multi-ethnic state perspectives of citizenship and nationality rights. Why, in other words, can U.S. social scientists relate to Roma rights but not to Hungarian nationality rights? The answer to this question is not purely academic, but central to such practical concerns as lobbying success in Washington, DC for Human and Minority Rights.

Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
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