Language and Literature paper by Gál, Noémi
U. of Marosvásárhely

The Hungarian Language in Transylvania: Diaspora Existence and the Possibilities of Revitalization

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Abstract (max. 250 words):
The Hungarian Language in Transylvania: Diaspora Existence and the Possibilities of Revitalization

In my paper I aim to outline the present situation of the Hungarian language in Transylvania, the complexities of language shift and maintenance, as well as the possibilities of revitalization. One of the questions I wish to address is whether the Hungarian language can or cannot be considered endangered in Transylvania and thus in need of urgent help. I present the three types of demographic and linguistic situations of the Hungarians in Transylvania (hopefully using some of the data of the newest census): the compact territory of the Székely Land, the island situation as well as the diaspora situation of North-East and South Transylvania, where the number and proportion of the Hungarian minority is very low and thus it can be considered endangered. I connect these situations to Fishman’s Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale which helps identify the level of endangerment as well as some actions that need to be done in order to reverse language shift.

Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
Gál Noémi, PhD is currently a lecturer at the Sapientia University of Marosvásárhely, at the Department of Humanities. She completed her university studies in 2003 at the Babeş–Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca majoring in English language and literature and Hungarian language and literature. She received her Master’s degree in Irish Studies at the same university in 2004. She completed her doctoral studies in 2009, the title of her thesis being Language Revitalization. Theory, Methodology and Perspectives. Her main field of research is sociolinguistics and the revitalization of endangered languages. She has presented her results at numerous national and international conferences and workshops.