History paper by Fülöp, Mihály
National University of Public Service (Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem)

The Great Powers and the Forced Transfer of Hungarians

Type of Abstract (select):

Abstract (max. 250 words):
In the peace preparation of the victorious Great Powers, at the initiative of Stalin, the expulsion of Germans from Poland and Czechoslovakia played an important role to fix the new borders in the Eastern part of Europe. Benes exploited the Soviet aims to settle the Slovakian question -i.e. to realize the fusion of Czech and Slovakian lands and to get rid from the entire Hungarian population by a forced transfer on the German pattern. My paper will expose the inter-allied negotiations on the forced transfer of Hungarians from Czechoslovakia, including Stalin's presidential archives new sources, to be published in Moscow in the autumn 2016.

Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
University Professor and Zoltán Magyary Chair in the University of Public Service (Ecole Nationale d'Administration), Budapest a responsible for a network of Hungarian Diplomatic Historians, former Fulbright and Campbell National Fellow at Stanford University, I thought courses of the History of International Relations and the History of Hungarian Diplomacy in Hungary, France in the last four decades.