Education paper by Maior, Enikő, Gabriella Pusztai and Zsuzsanna Demeter-Karászi
Partium Christian University

Student Dropout Rate in the Hungarian Higher Education in the Light of Religiosity (Accepted)

Type of Abstract (select):

Abstract (max. 250 words):
One can examine the effectiveness of students in higher education institutions through positive and negative aspects (Pusztai, 2015). Tinto and Bean investigated the phenomenon through negative aspects and concluded that those students who interrupt their studies simultaneously interrupt their socialization processes (Tinto 1975, Bean 1985, Lukács & Sebő 2015). Student failure, disillusionment in study purposes or in one’s own institution raises the importance of institutional background. International research mostly focuses on the changes caused by expansion. On the other hand, in the case of denominational institutions, students’ commitment to the institution and its importance in preventing dropout cannot be ignored, especially when students can identify with the spirit of the institution. In this presentation, we intend to examine the effect of religiosity on the dropout rate in higher education in a cross-sectoral comparison. Our research is based on a database from the PERSIST 2019 survey, conducted among students of higher education (N = 2310) in countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia and Serbia), coordinated by CHERD-Hungary (Center for Higher Education Research and Development), from which we would like to focus on the Hungarian sample. Our results show that there are significant differences, but also similarities between the two sectors in Hungary, but also in the cross-border areas.

Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
Enikő Maior, PhD. is associate professor at Partium Christian University, Oradea. She graduated from Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca and received her Ph.D. from the West University of Timisoara. She is the author of Bernard Malamud and the Type Figure of the Schlemiel and Gary Shteyngart and the Question of Identity. She has published articles in collective volumes and journals on the problems of identity in Jewish American literature. In the first half of 2013 she was a SCIEX fellow working at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. In the first half of 2018 she was a Fulbright fellow at Central Connecticut State University, CT.

Zsuzsanna Demeter-Karászi is a PhD student and an assistant at the University of Debrecen, in the Doctoral Program on Educational and Cultural Sciences.

Gabriella Pusztai PhD is the head of Doctoral Program on Educational Sciences.