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Saturday Night Banquet at the Hungarian House

Wed, 22 Feb 2012 19:01:22 EST by enikombasa, 8929 views

You are cordially invited to a Special Evening on
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Gala Banquet of the AHEA

Closing event of the 37th Conference of the
American Hungarian Educators Association

New York Hungarian House
213 East 82nd Street
New York City NY 10028
Cocktail Hour 7:00 - 8:00 PM
Dinner and entertainment from 8:00 PM

Enjoy a pleasant evening with Hungarian Educators from America and Europe.
Listen to a performance and musical presentation by
Judit Havas
from Budapest and
the Életfa Hungarian Folk Music Ensemble
from New Jersey.

Enjoy a delicious Hungarian dinner prepared the
Little Europe Restaurant of
Woodbridge, NJ 

Taste Hungarian Wine selections

Attendance is not limited to Conference participants - everyone is welcome
Admission $60.00 per person,
including full course dinner and limited complimentary wine 

Business attire requested

RESERVATION and INFORMATION: Reservation and prepayment requested to
guarantee admission [attendance limited to 100 persons]

Make check payable to "AHFC" and mail it to:
álmán Magyar
American Hungarian Folklore Centrum
PO BOX 5081, Somerset NJ 08873
Tel: (201) 836 4869 - cell: (201) 615-9240

Supporting organizations:

American Hungarian Educators Association
Hungarian Cultural Center, New York
American Hungarian Folklore Centrum
, New Jersey
American Hungarian Library and Historical Society, New York
American Hungarian Foundation for Education and Literature [Magyar Ház]

About the Entertainment:

Dr. Judit Havas, Performer and Literary Historian

Judit Havas studied the art of performing under famous Hungarians, artist like actors Zoltán Latinovits and Kerényi Miklós Gábor, directors Tamás Török and dr. Miklós Cserés and oratory professors Imre Wacha and Imre Montágh. A graduate and PhD holder of the Loránd Eötvös University of Arts and Sciences, she has also been a teacher of literature and oratory of the same institution for several decades. Some of her literature classes have been quite novel and offbeat. A frequent contributor of radio and television programmes, including a 12 part show of her own on Duna Television. Has performed poems by many Hungarian classics, including Endre Ady, Attila József, Miklós Radnóti, Gyula Illyés, Sándor Weöres and Sándor Kányádi, writings by István Örkény and Dezső Kosztolányi, excerpts from the correspondence between Zoltán Kodály and Béla Bartók. She is a known interpreter of 20th century Spanish and Latin-American as well as Hebrew poetry and tales by Elek Benedek. Offered a complete programme of tribute to Sándor Kányádi on the poet's 60th and 80th birthdays. A performer of monodramas based on writings by Mária Földes, novels by Sándor Márai, poems by Attila József and the diary of Judit Szántó. The Jew and the Lord was the title of an audiobook she edited and recorded to celebrate the one hundredth birthday of Ferenc Fejtő. Her CD, I Am Your Daughter, Bend Down to Me, helped discover women authors in 20th century Hungarian literature. One of the inventors of the genre known as "klezmer and literature", her active involvement also helped the formation of the Budapest Klezmer Band. One of her popular children's programmes was released on audio cassette. Performed poetry and as a kind of cultural ambassador, attended various conferences in Europe, Israel, Canada, and the USA. In 1982, Judit Havas received a Quality Award of the Hungarian Radio; in 1997, the Jerusalem 3000 Award and in 2006, the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic

ÉLETFA Hungarian Folk Music Band
The Életfa Hungarian Folk Band (New Jersey/New York)
is turning 25 years old in 2012!

The Életfa Hungarian Folk Band is from the New Jersey/New York area. The Ensemble treats its audiences to a high-energy, entertaining tour of Hungary's folk music, song and dance culture, guided throughout by engaging narrative and demonstrations. The groups members specialize in and present the authentic, archaic folklore from the villages of present-day Hungary, Transylvania, Romania, Slovakia and beyond, delivered in a style suitable for Western audiences. The members of Életfa are all driven by their love and respect for Hungarian folk music and dance, the importance in preserving Hungarian dance, music and culture in North America, and the dedication to performing and spreading the joy of music, song and dance. However, the this evening will also play music for continental dancing.