Instructions for Submitting Abstracts
Sat, 08 Jan 2022 01:08:54 EST by webmaster, 1822 views
To submit an abstract you will be prompted to login. If you do not have an account on then please sign up here. If your paper is accepted you may pay the membership fee when registering for the conference. Presenters must be or become members of AHEA.
- You will be asked to provide the following information when submitting the abstract online:
Your name, in the form of Last Name, First Name. (If more than one, the name of the presenter is first.)
Institution’s name and state.
Your publishable email address.
Paper Title: (please note there is a limit of 135 characters – character count includes spaces and punctuation marks). The title should capitalize all words except prepositions. If you use acronyms, please spell out the words first and place the acronym in parentheses following the words. Follow rules of capitalization, punctuation, and grammar.
Selected topic (from drop/down menu).
All abstracts should consist of 200-250 words and must be submitted in English or Hungarian and in publishable format. Avoid symbols, special marks, and non-standard fonts, because they may not convert correctly into the final printed Conference Program Guide. Consider writing the abstract in third person format avoiding the use of “I,” “you,” and “we.”
Brief Professional Bio, max. 100 words. Please note: this is not a CV, but one paragraph in expository form, of the most relevant information. (If more than one the bio of the presenter is first.)
Photos of presenter (1) and other authors (2,3).
- Panel discussions: 2-3 authors knowledgeable about a topic conduct a panel discussion and include the audience in the discussion. The anticipated length of panel discussions is 50 minutes (same as 3-4 paper presentations). Submission is the same procedure as a paper submission. All authors are listed and after the title, authors should indicate that this is a panel rather than an individual paper.
Once it is submitted the Submit Abstract form cannot be edited by the submitter. Changes can be requested from and made by
- All accepted abstracts will be posted in the Online Conference Program, and printed in the Conference Program Guide; however, the Program Committee reserves the right to edit when necessary.