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Call for Abstracts

Mon, 07 Oct 2024 20:00:21 EDT by webmaster, 344 views

AHEA — American Hungarian Educators Association


49th Annual in-Person Conference


June 19-21, 2025

University of Pécs, Hungary


The American Hungarian Educators Association (AHEA) will hold its 49th Annual Conference in person at the University of Pécs in Pécs, Hungary. We welcome participation by academics, independent scholars, and graduate students interested in Hungarian culture, history, literature, linguistics, sociology, anthropology, political science, education, folklore, fine arts, music, and other related disciplines.


This year’s conference theme is: 

Transatlantic Insights: Scholarship in Hungarian and American Contexts


Presentations should report the results of original research. Proposals can address a broad range of topics dealing with Hungarian culture, including interactions between Hungarians and Americans, as well as life in the Hungarian diaspora. We also welcome presentations on methodology and those that provide directions for future research.


Abstract submission deadline: December 15, 2024.


Presenters should expect to hear from the Program Committee by January 31, 2025. Applications for travel scholarships will open in January.


Abstracts (200-250 words) should be submitted through THIS FORM.


Submission guidelines:

-   The official languages of the conference are English and Hungarian. Abstracts and presentations in either language are welcome.

-   Only one “Individual Presentation” per author will be considered. A presenter’s name can appear max. twice in the program.

-   All authors must be AHEA members. Information on joining or renewing membership may be found on the AHEA website.


We invite abstracts in the following categories:

- Individual presentations describe original research by the author. Altogether the total time allotment is 30 minutes (15-20 minutes for the
presentation and 10-15 for questions and discussion).

-   Panel discussions are for interactive discussion of a topic among a panel of experts. Typically, a panel of two or three speakers makes introductory remarks. The audience is then invited to make comments and question the panel. 

-   Roundtable discussions are intended for informal discussions of pressing current topics important to scholars in the field and to provide a venue to both share with and learn from each other. Each submission should have no less than three participants knowledgeable in the discipline.

-   Book Presentations: Recently published books are invited for presentation either by the author or by an interested reader. These offer a short, max. 10-minute synopsis of a book published within the last year and of potential interest to members of AHEA.


Az Amerikai Magyar Tanáregyesület évente megrendezi tudományos konferenciáját, amelynek témája a magyar kultúra, történelem, irodalom, nyelvészet, szociológia, antropológia, politológia, pedagógia, néprajz, szépművészet, zene és más kapcsolódó tudományágak.


49. éves konferenciánk helyszíne a Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Pécs (Magyarország). A konferencia témája: 

Transzatlanti perspektívák: a magyar és amerikai tudományosság kontextusai


Az előadások nyelve angol, de örömmel fogadunk magyar nyelvű előadásokat is. Szeretettel várunk konferenciánkra minden kollégát, érdeklődőt. Akik a fenti témához kapcsolódva a jelzett területek bármelyikéről előadást szeretnének tartani, kérjük, hogy absztraktjukat 2024. december 15-ig ONLINE adják be.

Az absztraktok elfogadásáról a szervezők 2025. január 31-ig jeleznek vissza.


Program Committee Chair: Prof. Helga Lenart-Cheng, President, AHEA
Local Organizing Committee Chair: Prof. Mónika Fodor, Head of Department of Literatures and Cultures in English, University of Pécs
