Registration Information
AHEA 2015 Conference - Registration Form
American Hungarian Educators Association 40th Annual Conference
Babeş-Bolyai University, Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca, Romania
9-11 July 2015
US attendees: please print Registration Form and mail it completed with check, in USD payable to “AHEA”, to Eniko Basa, 4515 Willard Ave. #2210, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, before 15 May 2015 (for early reg. fee).
European attendees: please email this Registration Form, as an attachment, to:, indicating that you will pay on-site at the conference in local currency. If you do it before 15 May, you will qualify for early registration. You may also pay by bank transfer. See:
Conference Registration Fee: before 15 May: 55 USD, after 15 May: 65 USD.
RO/HU residents 100 RON, students free.
All attendees must pay the Conference Registration Fee.
Guest Day Rate: 20 RON/guest (excluding special events).
AHEA Membership Dues for 2015: Individual 30 USD, Couples 50 USD, Students 10 USD, Retirees 10 USD;
RO/HU residents: 60 RON, students/retirees 20 RON.
AHEA membership is required for all paper presenters and session chairs.
Thursday, 9 July 4:00 - 5:30PM - Registration, Bölcsészkar (Horea út) az első emeleten
Thursday, 9 July 6:00 PM - Opening remarks, followed by a cultural program and reception, sponsored by EMKE.
Free admission for all registrants, 20 RON for guests.
Friday, 10 July, 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Registration, Főépület (Kogalniceanu/Farkas utca) első emelet
Friday, 10 July 7:00 PM Official AHEA Reception and Banquet - Celebration of the 40th Conference.
Cost 30 USD/person - full dinner and entertainment,
RO/HU residents: 60 RON/person,
Students free, sponsored by Helena History Press.
Saturday, 11 July 7:00 p.m. Evening Festivity in Méra, Kalotaszeg
50 USD/person, all inclusive, incl. transportation.
University hotel reservation: reservation required (on the Registration Form), $40/night, double occupancy; to be paid at the hotel.
Post-conference tour in Transylvania: deposit/person 100 USD (Click here for details.)