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Social Programs

Sun, 17 Feb 2013 17:45:29 EST by enikombasa, 8431 views

THURSDAY, 2 May 2013 - FILM

7.00 – 9.00 pm           THE DOORIstván Szabó’s film drama, set in Hungary in the 1960s, stars Helen Mirren as a maid and Martina Gedeck as a novelist who form an unlikely bond. The film is a captivating adaptation of  Az ajtó,  Szabó Magda’s semi-autobiographical novel.

The film will be introduced and discussion, following the screening, will be chaired by Catherine Portuges,  Professor of Comparative
Literature and Director, Film Studies, University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Attendance to the film is FREE for registered participants of the AHEA conference and students/staff of Rutgers University.
Guests: $5 donation


FRIDAY, 3 May 2013  - RECEPTION  [optional program – reservation required at registration]

The annual AHEA dinner reception will be held at the Museum of the American Hungarian Foundation, 300 Somerset St, New Brunswick, NJ

From 6:30 PM, cost $35.00

Dinner Menu:
Appetizers, székely káposzta, marha tokány tarhonyával, madártej, coffee/tea
Hungarian wines

Attila Pók
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Columbia U., NY)
Planning for the Future: the István Deák Visiting Professorship at Columbia University. 

Guided exhibition by Lilla Szabó, Consulting curator and senior curator of the Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Entertainment by local folk artists.

Attendance limited to 60 persons – open to all registrants to the conference and guests.


SATURDAY, 4 May 2013 - DINNER DANCE  [optional program – reservation required at registration]
Reception – Dinner Dance Hungarian style at the pillar of Hungarian entertainment in New Brunswick,
the  Hungarian American Athletic Club,

$ 40 / person

6:30 – 7:30 Cocktail Hour [ appetizers and cocktail fountain]

Full 3 course delicious Hungarian style dinner
Dessert, coffee/tea

Entertainment and music by Hungarian Orchestra



Roman Catholic Mass in Hungarian at 10:30 AM
Szent László Római Katolikus Templom
215 Somerset Street, Mindszenty Square
New Bruswick, NJ
(732) 545-1427

Magyar Református Templom - Service in  Hungarian at 11:15 AM
175 Somerset Street
New Brunswick NJ 08901


Szent László Római Katolikus Templom
215 Somerset Street, Mindszenty Square
New Bruswick, NJ

At 12 Noon:  A presentation by Lilla Szabó of the Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Discussion of architectural style and concept of artistic execution of the church,
including the stained glass windows, pulpit, baptism font,  iconography and history.