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In Memoriam

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Name: Bartfay, Arthur A. (1935-2016)
Institution: Independent scholar
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Columbus, OH
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2016
Name: Basa, Péter (1935-2000)
Institution: National Institutes of Health
Area of Interest: Science/Economics
Home Address: Washington, DC
Name: Beszedits, Stephen (1946-2017)
Institution: Independent Scholar
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Toronto, ON
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2014
Name: Bíró, Béla L. (1937-2014)
Position: Retired in 2000
Institution: California State University at Northridge
Area of Interest: Science/Economics
Home Address: Hungary
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2010
Name: Biro, Ruth (1940-2021)
Institution: Duquesne University
Area of Interest: Education
Home Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Telephone: 412-512-4200
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2020
Name: Bisztray, György (1938-2012)
Institution: University of Toronto
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Toronto
Name: Bognár, Béla (1931-2019)
Position: Professor Emeritus
Institution: Wright State University, Dayton, OH
Area of Interest: Education
Home Address: Casstown, OH
Telephone: 937 857 9704
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2019
Name: Cornelius, Deborah (1935-2023)
Position: Independent Scholar
Office Address: Hold u. 9.II/5 1054 Budapest
Telephone: (361) 302-4685
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Santa Fe, NM
Telephone: 505 995-8907/ 505 930-0498
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2023
Name: Deák, István (1926-2023)
Position: emeritus prof. of history
Institution: Columbia University
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Paso Robles, CA
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2022
Name: Dégh, Linda (1920-2014)
Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington
Office Address: Folklore Institute
Area of Interest: Music/Folklore
Home Address: Bloomington, IN
Name: Dreisziger, Nándor (1940-2024)
Position: Professor Emeritus
Institution: Royal Military College of Canada
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Kingston, ON Canada
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2010
Name: Érdy, Miklós (1931-2017)
Institution: Independent researcher
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: New York, NY
Name: Fodor, Andrew (András) (1936-2021)
Institution: Independent Scholar
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Stamford, CT
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2012
Name: Glanz, Susan (1949-2022)
Institution: St. John's University
Office Address: 8000 Utopia Parkway, Queens, NY 11439
Area of Interest: Science/Economics
Home Address: Brooklyn, NY
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2022
Name: Hámos, László (1951-2019)
Position: President
Institution: The Hungarian Human Rights Foundation (HHRF)
Office Address: New York
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: New York
Name: Horváth, János (1921-2019)
Position: utazó nagykövet
Institution: Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Budapest
Name: Kovács, Ilona (1938-2023)
Position: Head of Department, retired
Institution: Hungarian National Library (OSzK), Budapest
Area of Interest: Cultural Studies
Home Address: Budapest
Telephone: 36 1 200 9564, 36 70 2640 953
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2021
Name: Molnár, Ágoston (1927-2016)
Institution: American Hungarian Foundation
Office Address: 300 Somerset St. New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Area of Interest: Education
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2014
Name: Nagy, Károly (1934-2011)
Institution: Middlesex County College, NJ
Area of Interest: Education
Home Address: New Jersey
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2011
Name: Olchváry, Paul (1965-2024)
Position: Writer/Publisher
Institution: Independent Scholar
Office Address: New Europe Books
Telephone: 4134588763
Area of Interest: Language and Literature
Home Address: Williamstown, MA
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2023
Name: Prekopa, András (1929-2016)
Institution: Rutgers University
Area of Interest: Science/Economics
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2013
Name: Rácz, Barnabás (1924-2022)
Position: Professor
Institution: Eastern Michigan University
Office Address: History and Social Sciences
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Ypsilanti, MI
Telephone: (734) 484-3523
Name: Sinor, Denis (1916-2011)
Institution: Indiana University
Area of Interest: Language and Literature
Home Address: Bloomington, IN
Name: Sohar, Paul (1936-2023)
Institution: Independent Scholar
Area of Interest: Language and Literature
Home Address: Warren, NJ
Telephone: 732 560 3718
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2023
Name: Szendrey, Thomas (1941-2003)
Institution: Gannett University, Erie, PA
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Home Address: Erie, PA
Name: Várdy, Ágnes Huszár (1939-2022)
Institution: Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
Area of Interest: Language and Literature
Home Address: Pittsburgh, PA
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2019
Name: Várdy, Steven Béla (1935-2018)
Position: Distinguished Professor, Member Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Institution: Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
Office Address: College Hall 604A
Telephone: 412-396-6470
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2018
Name: Vermes, Gábor P. (1933-2014)
Position: Prof. Emeritus
Institution: Rutgers University
Office Address: University College, Newark
Area of Interest: History/Political Science
Membership Year: Membership Fee Paid: 2013