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Hotel Information and Reservation

Fri, 21 Feb 2020 17:15:26 EST by webmaster, 3580 views

Hotel Descriptions

Make reservations with Kálmán Magyar, (not with the hotel)

Download the Reservation Form, make your selections and email it to

Millenium Hotel : Pécs, Kálvária u. 58, 7625 /

This is a very nice 4 star hotel, adjacent of the old city fort wall, fairly close to the center of the city and the famous Cathedral. It is a 2 km walk to the place where our meetings will be. Some down, and some uphill. Probably you will want to take a taxi and join the ride with others. The accommodation are very nice and they do have a wellness area with Finnish sauna and a small pool – no hot-tub. They are holding 15 rooms for us.

MTA Residence. [Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Területi Bizottsága]: Pécs, Jurisics Miklós u. 44

This is a very beautiful, historic building full of Zsolnai Porcelain decorations. It is approximately 1 km from our conference location – a nice walk downhill – but coming back to the lodging may take a little longer and slower walk. Very nice clean rooms with bath and elegant atmosphere, especially for scholars.  We will have our movie showing on Friday evening at this location. They are holding 15 rooms for us.

Damjanich Residency / Dormitory: Pécs, Damjanich u. 30

This is the most convenient location to the Conference – the building is just behind our Conference Center. However it is dormitory and basic accommodations.  Every room has its own bathroom. There are no breakfast services on this location, but there are communal kitchens or you will need to wait for the first coffee break at 10 am, also you may stroll down to a coffee shop close by. For now they could ONLY hold 7 rooms for us. More may be available later.

Make hotel reservations with Kálmán Magyar, (not with the hotel)

Arrival: Thursday, June 25, 2020, 3 PM

Departure: Sunday, June 28, 2020, AM


 DAMJANICH RESIDENCY Pécs, Damjanich u 30       
No Breakfast   Forint/night US Dollars/ night total USD for 3 nights
Kitchen available single room / 1 person 7,000 23 70
Limited availability  double room / 2 persons 10,000 33 100
[7 plus rooms available]        
 MTA RESIDENCY Pécs, Jurisics M u 44      
Includes Breakfast        
10 min walk to conference [900 m] single room / 1 person       15,000 50 150
Limited availability double room / 2 persons       21,000 70 210
[16 rooms available]        
Includes Breakfast        
20 min walk to conference [1.2 km] single room / 1 person       30,000 100 300
[20 rooms available] double room / 2 persons       33,000 110 330
     Forint  USD  



Boat Trip to Vaskapu --  Details and reservation here