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AHEA Research Presentation Awards

Sat, 14 Jul 2018 16:54:58 EDT by webmaster, 3685 views

Sponsored by the AHEA, the Jackovics Family Fund, and an anonymous supporter.

Dear Graduate Students and Junior Faculty,

AHEA is accepting applications for the 2019 AHEA Research Presentation Awards. These awards support students or junior faculty by contributing to expenses related to attendance at AHEA’s annual conference. Two awards, each 500 USD, will be given.

To be eligible for this award, a person should:

  1. Be a graduate student or junior faculty or researcher (which is generally defined as being no more than seven years beyond the PhD at the time of application).
  2. Work at an institution of higher education.
  3. Submit an abstract for presentation at the AHEA 2019 conference in Pittsburgh, PA on April 4-6, 2019.
  4. Become or currently be a member of AHEA.  

Application consists of:

  1. A current CV or brief biosketch (not more than 1 page).
  2. A 200-word personal statement
  3. A 200-word abstract of the presentation submitted online.

Send application materials by way of email to:

  1. Katalin Kadar Lynn,
  2. Katalin Voros,

Deadline for application: February 15, 2019.

Awardees will be notified by February 25, 2019.

Thank you,

Klára Papp
AHEA President

AHEA Research Presentation Award Recipients


Mrea Csorba, University of Pittsburgh
Taylor Gombos, New York University


Gabriella Hermann, Rutgers University
Márton Hoványi, Yale University
Mátyás Mervay, New York University