Submitted Papers 2010
History paper by Freifeld, Alice (all papers)
Hungarian Identity Between War and Cold War
Type of Abstract (select):Abstract (max. 250 words):
Hungary was a transit point-for people fleeing the East and Communism; for goods crossing the Russian-held borders of Hungary and Austria. Hungarians too were in limbo, with its soldiers often in POW camps in the Soviet Union, and survivors returning from Nazi camps. Hungary was also politically facile-with a coalition government that presumed a hopeful reconstruction. The paper will be based on archival and secondary sources. The archival sources include materials recently microfilmed for the US Holocaust Museum and border patrol records at the Hungarian National Archives. I would arrive in advance of the conference to use the Szeged archives, which hopefully would add a local element to the paper.
Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):