Abstracts of Submitted Papers 2012
History paper by Haba, Kumiko (all papers)
Hungarian Borders and Hungarian Minorities after the Collapse of the Cold War and Joining the European Union
Type of Abstract (select):Abstract (max. 250 words):
This presentation will investigate the Hungarian Minority question after the end of the Cold War (1989 -), during the15 years before and after Hungary joined the European Union. Emphasis will be on comparing the different policies of the governing parties, like the Democratic Forum (lead by Jozsef Antal), the Socialist Government (Laszlo Kovacs), and the FIDESZ-People’s Party (Victor Orban). The various political parties’ views on the Status law, the Dual Nationality, and other minority policies will also be analyzed.
The presentation will examine the different policies of each party toward the Hungarian Minority outside the borders (határontuli kisebbség), and their social status, issues of education and political participation.
Though these investigations, the author would like to consider how co-existence and collaborations of nations and minorities inside the European Union is possible, and how is it possible to improve the situation of minorities under the EU regime, and if it is possible, comparing the desperate Balkan situation with Central European Situation.
Full paper at
Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
Kumiko Haba, Professor, PhD(International Relations), currently at Harvard University's WCFIA (Weatherhead Center for International Affairs) Cambridge, MA. Specialty: EU Enlargement, Cold War, Nationalism, Asian Regional Cooperation and the US Role. Professor of Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan SIPEC (School of International Politics, Economics and Communications). Member of Japanese Academy; SCJ (Science Council of Japan); Vice Chair of CEAC (Council of East Asian Community); Vice President of ISAC (International Society for Asian Community); Jean Monnet Chair of the EU (European Union); Directorate of JPSA (Japan Political Studies Association) EUSAJ (European Union Studies Association in Japan). JSSEES (Japanese Society for Slavic & East European Studies); JAREES (Japan
Association of Russia & East European Studies).
Hungarian Borders and Hungarian Minorities after the Collapse of the Cold War and Joining the European Union
Type of Abstract (select):Abstract (max. 250 words):
This presentation will investigate the Hungarian Minority question after the end of the Cold War (1989 -), during the15 years before and after Hungary joined the European Union. Emphasis will be on comparing the different policies of the governing parties, like the Democratic Forum (lead by Jozsef Antal), the Socialist Government (Laszlo Kovacs), and the FIDESZ-People’s Party (Victor Orban). The various political parties’ views on the Status law, the Dual Nationality, and other minority policies will also be analyzed.
The presentation will examine the different policies of each party toward the Hungarian Minority outside the borders (határontuli kisebbség), and their social status, issues of education and political participation.
Though these investigations, the author would like to consider how co-existence and collaborations of nations and minorities inside the European Union is possible, and how is it possible to improve the situation of minorities under the EU regime, and if it is possible, comparing the desperate Balkan situation with Central European Situation.
Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
Kumiko Haba, Professor, PhD(International Relations), currently at Harvard University's WCFIA (Weatherhead Center for International Affairs) Cambridge, MA. Specialty: EU Enlargement, Cold War, Nationalism, Asian Regional Cooperation and the US Role. Professor of Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan SIPEC (School of International Politics, Economics and Communications). Member of Japanese Academy; SCJ (Science Council of Japan); Vice Chair of CEAC (Council of East Asian Community); Vice President of ISAC (International Society for Asian Community); Jean Monnet Chair of the EU (European Union); Directorate of JPSA (Japan Political Studies Association) EUSAJ (European Union Studies Association in Japan). JSSEES (Japanese Society for Slavic & East European Studies); JAREES (Japan
Association of Russia & East European Studies).