Submitted Papers - 2017
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Education paper by Velki, Magdolna (all papers)
Teaching Decoding in Hungarian Foreign Language Textbooks (Semiotic approach)
Type of Abstract (select):Abstract (max. 250 words):
In our experience, there is very little to no attention paid to teaching decoding in Hungarian as a Foreign Language (MID) textbooks written for adults.
In this study, the objective was to show the importance of teaching decoding when learning Hungarian language as a foreign language and the layers of the language (word structure, the relation between words and their meanings in a sentence), which recognition greatly facilitates communication and comprehension if it is taught from the initial stages of language learning.
Following a short overview of the theory behind decoding, we attempt to characterise four MID textbooks (two written in Hungary and two in foreign language environment) considered successful in teaching decoding of the Hungarian language using quantitative and qualitative semiotic analyses. Representative examples from these textbooks will be used to illustrate these characteristics.
Using the characteristics found in the textbooks examined, we want to draw the attention of future textbook-writers on the importance of language decoding according to the students’ proficiency level and provide the authors with templates that could be used in upcoming textbooks.
Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
Teacher of Hungarian and Russian languages, graduated at the Faculty of Arts and Letters, of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (ELTE). She prepared and defended her Ph.D. thesis in Russian literature, at ELTE, as well. Since 2000, as independent scholar, she conducts research on the possibilities of Hungarian language teaching in foreign language environment. She publishes her results; regularly lectures and conducts workshops in Canada, Hungary and USA. Ancillary teaching booklets, elaborated by her, are used, among others, in the Hungarian language programs at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs.bShe brought to Canada the "Hungarian as second language" exams, which are officially recognized by Hungarian State authorities. Dr. Velki is a professional language exam interrogator, accredited by the Centre for Advanced Language Learning (ITK) of the Eötvös Loránd University, in Canada.