Submitted Papers - 2017
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History/Political Science paper by Bock, Julia (all papers)
The Nationality Problem and the Compromise.
Type of Abstract (select):Abstract (max. 250 words):
The unsuccessful 1848 revolution left many theories of the causes of its fall. One of them was not being able to mitigate and solve the discrepancy between what the Hungarian nobility was ready to give to satisfy the need of the nationalities. The recognition of this failure made the majority of Hungarian statesmen to deal with the problem and try to find solution. Whether to treat the nationalities on an equal basis, or from the position of power by satisfying minimal rights divided the political arena.
Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
Education: Columbia University Library Science; 1988 Eötvös Loránd University, Ph.D History; 1981;
Work: Long Island University, Brooklyn
The Fate of Hungarian Jewish Dermatologists during the Holocaust at "Clio Dermatologica" Volume 34(2016): 216-298.
Famous Hungarian Jewish Doctors in the Shadow of the Holocaust (In Hungarian) at "Remény" Volume 3 (2010) 3.
The Holocaust in Hungary: A Selected and Compiled Bibliography 2000-2007 edited by Randolph L. Braham and Julia Bock. [New York]. The Rosenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies. Distributed by Columbia University Press, 2008.
Miscarriage of Justice: The Elimination of Jewish Attorneys in Hungary During the Holocaust. The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, 2006.
Article on Holocaust for the new edition of New Book of Knowledge. Danbury, CO: Grolier Pub. Co., 2002. V.8. p. 172-173.