Accepted Abstracts
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Science/Economics paper by Benke, Mariann and Csaba Titkos (all papers)
Motivation as the Therapeutic Function of the Leader (Accepted)
Type of Abstract (select):Abstract (max. 250 words):
The self-determination theory is a human-specific macro theory with its examination focused on the interaction of external and internal motivational factors. In self-determination theory are tree basic factors like autonomy, competence and relatedness. Thomas, from Deci’s model, took over autonomy and competence, and added two other personal factors, intelligence and the sense of progress. At the same time, it ignores the interpersonal variable: connectivity. The personal model based on this distinguishes such four feelings, of which the existence together or separately, indicates the existence of intrinsic motivation. These are: intelligence, choice, competence and sense of progress. If a person finds what he/she is doing has a sense, he/she has an influence on a certain condition, conditions of completing a given task, if he/she feels competent, meaning that he/she feels to be able to complete the task well, and progresses towards the reasonable goal, we can say that the person is motivated intrinsic. The effectiveness of the working of the model in practice can be explained by examining the hypothetical background of the four senses. In my hypothesis, the four ultimate fears in existential psychotherapy, rooted in individual existence, or otherwise life problems, such as death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness, can be corresponded to the four senses. This causes that the effectiveness of anxiety management influences the success of motivation. Furthermore a leader’s motivational activity is unconsciously an anxiety-relieving psychotherapeutic process, and as such, is clearly able to function effectively personally.
Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
Mariann Benke graduated in 2020 at the University of Pécs Faculty of Business and Economics in the Doctoral Program of Business and Administration. Mariann Benke has been working as an assistant lecturer at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Sciences since 2014. Previous working experiences: OTP Bank Nyrt. 2009, 2010 (trainee); Praktika Kft. 2012 (trainee); OTKA project 2013-2014 (research assistant). She currently teaches change management, leadership theories, organizational behavior, organizational development and organizational management. Her fields of research include motivation and learning theories, human capital theories and change management.
Titkos Csaba 1981-ben szerzett közgazdász diplomát a PTE KTK-n, majd 1986-ban végzett oktatási szociológusként az ELTE BTK-n. 1997-ben lett a Magyar Pszichológiai Társaság okleveles T-csoport vezető trénere. 2000-2005-ig pszichodráma képzésben vett részt, 2005-2006-ban integratív pszichoterápiát tanult. 2005-től a Magyar Pszichodráma Egyesület pszichodráma vezetője. 2009-től kiképzett coach. 1982 óta a PTE-n oktat, itt védte meg 2000-ben Ph.D disszertációját, 2001 óta docens. 2015-ben habilitált. Oktatott a PTE különböző karain. Tréningeket tart, coach és szervezetfejlesztő tevékenységet folytat egyetemi és piaci környezetben. Önismereti és pszichodráma csoportokat vezet. Fő érdeklődési területe a személyiségfejlesztés, az emberi viselkedés, a csoportmunka, a kompetencia-fejlesztés.