Accepted Abstracts
Tue, 27 Sep 2022 10:57:40 EDT by webmaster, 19619 views
Language/Literature paper by Sohar, Paul (all papers)
Transylvanian-Hungarian Poets Today (Accepted)
Type of Abstract (select): Paper presentationAbstract (max. 250 words):
This presentation previews a selection of present-day Hungarian poets born and active in Transylvania; the translation of an anthology was commissioned by EMIL (Edélyi Magyar Irók Ligája, the League of Transylvanian-Hungarian Writers) from the presenter who published a similar book (Maradok-I Remain) a generation ago in his translation. The ten poets were selected by Karácsonyi Zsolt, but the poems were compiled by the poets. While the earlier generation concerned themselves with the problems of their minority status under the Ceausescu regime, the poets now seem to be influenced by the Western European mood of inward orientation; preoccupation with personal conflicts. The styles vary from traditional to very modernistic, from narrative to Dadaist experimentation; thus, the selection gives a broad cross-section of the current poetry scene.
Brief Professional Bio (max. 100 words):
Paul Sohar came to the USA as a student refugee and has been writing in every genre, including seventeen volumes of translations. His own poetry: “Homing Poems” (Iniquity Press), “The Wayward Orchard” (Wordrunner Press Prize winner), and now “In Sun’s Shadow” (Ragged Sky Press, 2020). Prose: “True Tales of a Fictitious Spy” (Iniquity Press) and dramas with One-Act-Depot in Canada. Received Balassi Grand Translation Prize among other awards. His poems, translations, stories, and essays have appeared in numerous publications and anthologies.