E-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association
Journals / Vol 4 (2011) / 32
English-Language Bibliography of Interest for Hungarian Cultural Studies: 2010-2011
Gergely Tóth studied at ELTE in Budapest and at the University of Heidelberg, and received his Ph.D. in Germanic linguistics from the University of California, Berkeley where he is currently lecturer in Hungarian and German. His interests include sociolinguistics, especially language and culture maintenance, attrition and loss, dialectology, semiotics, historical linguistics, and immigration history. For the latter, he has conducted extensive fieldwork research in Hungarian communities throughout the US and other countries, and is launching a website documenting old and current Hungarian neighborhoods. His book Linguistic Interference and First Language Attrition: German and Hungarian in the San Francisco Bay Area appeared in 2007. He is the Technical Editor of AHEA E-Journal.
Louise O. Vasvári (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley) is Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature and Linguistics at Stony Brook University and presently teaches in the Linguistics Department at New York University. She works in medieval studies, historical and socio-linguistics, translation theory, Holocaust Studies, and Hungarian Studies, all informed by gender theory within a broader framework of comparative cultural studies. Related to Hungarian Studies she has published with Steven Tötösy, Imre Kertész and Holocaust Literature (2005), Comparative Central European Holocaust Studies (2009), a special issue of CLCWeb (2009), as well as Comparative Hungarian Cultural Studies (2011), all in Purdue UP. In the 2010 issue of this journal she published “A töredékes (kulturális) test írása Polcz Alaine Asszony a fronton című művében.” She is the Editor of AHEA E-Journal.