E-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association
Journals / Vol 5 (2012) / 40
A Selected and Annotated Bibliography for the Research of Official Surname Changes in Hungary
The bibliography presented here contains only those publications in the field which are possible to study without knowledge of the Hungarian language, i.e. which were written in English or other foreign languages, or which simply publish a database of the name changes. The annotations are based on the texts of the publications and the abstracts (if they were available). Naturally, there are also many additional contemporary sources and scholarly publications available in the field in Hungarian, many (lately the majority) include an English abstract
Recommended Citation
Farkas, Tamás . “A Selected and Annotated Bibliography for the Research of Official Surname Changes in Hungary.” AHEA: E-journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association, Volume 5 (2012):
Tamás Farkas PhD (born in 1970) is a senior lecturer of the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest. He studied Hungarian Linguistics, Literature and History, and defended his PhD thesis in the field of Onomastics (2001). He is involved in the research of linguistic and cultural history and the system of personal names, especially the surnames in Hungary, and other fields of interdisciplinary Name Studies as Socioonomastics and Applied Onomastics. His special field of interest is the phenomenon of official surname changes in Hungary. He completed his PhD thesis, directed an interdisciplinary research team, read papers and published several studies, including a monograph on different questions of this topic. His latest major works: Családnév-változtatás Magyarországon [Surname Changes in Hungary] (2009); Régi magyar családnevek névvégmutató szótára [Reverse Dictionary of Historical Hungarian Family Names] (2009). He is the editor of the periodical of Hungarian Onomastics (Névtani Értesítő), and the secretary of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics (Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság).